Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Hope Moseley (2014)

The prompt I chose to base my Amplified design piece was by Kurt Vonnegut, ''I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.'' I interpreted this quote by when you stand in the center you don't experience color, all you experience is black and white, however when you begin to walk to the edge, color begins to evolve, and life just becomes so much enjoyable.

To create this piece I took the Blink art work from the magazine collages with Sharpies. We were supposed to look through magazines and cut out things that inspired us with an x-acto knife and then use Sharpies to amplify our collages. I then used the pen tool, in Photoshop, to cut out the girls hair and placed a photo I took, amplified with a black and white filter, to represent her hair abstractly. Using the sharpen Photoshop technique I sharpened the back of the computer to allow the computer to stand out more. I used the pen tool to draw the speech bubble and applied it by adding a light stroke around it.
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