Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Piece of Mind: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Isabella Graziani (2014)

For the Blink unit in Design, I created a colored pencil piece that was based on my english free write on thought. I wanted to explore the idea of how thought continue to evolve and grow. I wanted to show this threw a photograph of a person that looks statue-like and dull who has a design around her head. The design around her head is expanding and growing to represent her thoughts. I wanted to make the design more fluid to show that thoughts and the subconscious flows. The text behind her says ''Thought… Thoughts are pure in your head but once they are said or written down they can be manipulated into anything even a lie.''

I created most of this project in photoshop. I started off by importing my blink colored pencil artwork into photoshop and playing around with that. I then took a picture of my little sister and put that in photoshop and then applied a black and white plug in too it . I looked up a cool way to create a statue. This tutorial was very time consuming and too for ever but I loved the outcome. I then completed my two pieces together to get my blink work. I didn't really have any problems creating this piece and overall loved this unit.
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