Freestyle Academy proudly presents

''Ending the Anticipation'': A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Justin Walker (2014)

The prompt for this piece of artwork was ''Anticipation'', a one word prompt that allowed for many different interpretations. While looking through the magazines for pieces to use for the collage I wanted to find something that was epic or extreme, so naturally I started looking for things that are associated with space. The idea behind this was that I wanted to show the feeling of anticipation for something epic or mind blowing.

In order to assemble the collage I had to carefully cut out all of the piece with an x-acto knife which I then glued to a paper canvas. While assembling the collage I made sure to keep the man jumping out of the planet in focus as he is the main part of the piece. I also added other surrounding planets and stars to the piece in order to keep with my theme of space. Once I was finished with the collage I scanned it onto my computer and brought it into Photoshop for some added effects. The new effect I learned how to do for this unit involved using motion blur to show movement or speed, I used this effect on the man you see in this photo. Creating this effect involves using the motion blur effect in Photoshop and then manipulating the blur itself with layer masks. We also had to find a new filter or plugin for Photoshop on the internet to be used on an object in our artwork. For mine I found a group of retro filters that I applied to a couple of the planets you see in my artwork, these filters are actually pretty neat because it gave my photo a more doomsday-ish look to my artwork as it makes the planets looks more threatening. Lastly we had to take a new photo and implicate it into our artwork, I decided to take a picture of a basketball of hoop as I wanted to show the man dunking a planet into a gigantic basketball hoop on another planet.
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