Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dancing in the Minds of Mortals: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Kiran Kothuri (2014)

For my Amplified piece, I wanted to create a colorful yet almost surrealistic piece transcending reality. To accomplish this, I started with my prompt, which was Thought. My goal was to portray an image that was deep yet beautiful, describing the nature of thoughts. I decided to create a partly hand-drawn, partially Photoshopped image that would help convey the mystical nature of thoughts. I decided on using my first Blink Art, and amplifying it from there. To amplify it, I came up with the concept of layering a kaleidoscope sort of filter on it, along with blurs and ripples to give the image a liquid, almost hallucinatory feeling. Finally, I decided I would amplify the colors to create a sort of colorful glow around the image.

To turn my vision into a reality, I started with scanning in my first Blink Art piece, which I drew by hand with an assortment of colored pencils on a special plastic coloring sheet. I then imported this high-definition scan into Adobe Photoshop, where after looking through various tutorials online, I converted into a colorful kaleidoscope. I then re-layered this kaleidoscope image on top of my original drawing fading the opacity to create a superimposed type of look. From there, I worked with Curves to fine tune my colors, contrast, and brightness in the piece. After that, I added the phrase ''The mind is a playground for thoughts.'' using creative typography. Then, using the Liquify Smart Filter, I added ripples and waves on the image. Finally, I added blurs and glows to enhance the image and add more depth.
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