Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Spider Webs: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Matthew Ford (2014)

For my Amplified piece, I used the concept of Isolationism v.s. Solitude, to achieve this concept I used sort of a maze of different paths, both being different colors. I chose one to represent Isolation, the blue path, and I chose Solitude to be a yellow path. I used blue for Isolation, because I believe Isolation carries a darker and more harsh tone, than Solitude. I underlayed another piece of work that is a series of cobwebs which I thought showed also showed a loneliness similar to both Solitude and Isolation. I put it underneath so that it could display that even though both the blue and yellow paths are sad and brutal, they are both surrounded with a loneliness and separation which I thought was brought together by the spiderwebs.

To Achieve the piece, I scanned in both pieces and made the cobwebs a texture, that way it would only appear in the open white spaces and wouldn't contest with the lines of either the blue of yellow paths. I did this in Adobe's Photoshop, I did the texture overlay using the website Ms. P had sent us. I have always liked abstract art, and I tried to achieve that in both in the interweaving path of yellow and blue and the maze of spiderwebs that I drew. For the spiderwebs I used sharpie and for the interweaving paths I used the soft crayon like utensils on a dura lar paper.
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