Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Lucid Dream: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Nava Motamedi (2014)

The idea of this design piece originated from the ''Thought'' prompt. In this piece, I mainly focused on the connection of our dreams and our unconsciousness thoughts. I picture a thought as a home with a gate. Thoughts are exclusive because it is in our own personal belief. The person flying is the idea of freedom. The freedom in believing in what a person wants to believe and that there are no limits to that knowledge.

To create this piece, I used my watercolor painting, which the ink pen was used to draw the objects and pastel to color them. I took a picture of roses and put it all together in Photoshop. I used a blur filter around in the sky to eliminate any distraction and to create a more dramatic and three-dimensional effect. In order to give it the peaceful genre to it, the font I used was called Young and Beautiful.
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