Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Anplified: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Nicole Falsetti (2014)

In this piece, I attempted to convey the chaos of ones thoughts. Through the chain of arrows, I wanted to show how one thought can lead to the next. None of the objects seem to be related to one another. That is because our thoughts sometimes can be, or can not be related to one another. I find this concept intriguing and that is why I explored this idea further in my piece.

I used artwork that I drew in class and later Photoshop to create this piece of artwork. I originally drew four different forms of art. I used colored pencil, pastels, acrylic paints, and water colors. I used the collage I made for one of my works of art as the background for the text. I used an original photo I took at Shoreline park, of a sailboat to end the chain of thought. For the background of my piece, I took the piece of work I made with acrylic paints to create texture and intrigue.
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