Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Thought: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Paige Eller (2014)

The prompt that inspired my art was: ''Thought''. Our art was designed on a piece of paper with colored pencils. The main goal was to draw from the subconscious and not criticize our work along the way. I was intrigued by the detail in the wood table I had been working on and tried to create a similar pattern with the colored pencils. Eventually, my final piece was one big array of colors and lines that semi-resembled the wood effect.

My art was inspired by the word sonder. This was mainly what I wrote about in the quick write, and I wanted to transfer my writing ideas into my art. The word sonder holds a lot of valid yet confusing truth to it, and because of this, I wanted my art to look a bit chaotic. I used a plethora of colors, and weird shapes to translate my thoughts and feelings towards the word. After I scanned my piece into Adobe Photoshop I used beach photos that had sea cliffs in them. I cropped them and placed them on the sides, making my illustration look as if they were waves caught between rocky shores. I then added the definition of sonder, and wrapped them around some of the wacky shapes I had created in my drawing to give it a cohesive look. The Photoshop plugin I used was similar to the oil paint, but with an added pixel blender to make it stand out even more.
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