Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Thought Man: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Peter Salcido (2014)

The prompt I chose was thought. We didn't use the paint on the day we wrote about though but the paint piece we did feels more like a representation of thought, so I used the paint one. For this piece I wanted to create a figure that represents thought. Thought can be interpreted in many different ways so I decided to use a dark figure to represent the Thought Man. Just like there's the Sandman who gives you dreams, well this is the Thought Man who gives you thoughts. I made him a bit more blurry to make him feel dreamy. I added the text ''you can't escape me'' to give a scary/unreal feel to it. No one can escape their thoughts, which can be very scary and very good. So I tried to create that with the freaky font but the color scheme are lighter colors.

For the technique I used the paintbrush tool and hid the lays and drew the layers back in to show the thought man and the painting I did that is floating around him. I downloaded the ripple effect off the internet and added it only the the Thought Man to add the effect I talked about in the previous paragraph. On the font I added a drop shadow and a glow to it to give it a ghostly feel. That's basically all I did, I played around with the opacity levels of the different layers so nothing is too bold other than the text.
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