Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Thoughts Are Dangerous: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Sanjana Pandit (2014)

This piece was based on the prompt of ''thought''. When I first looked at this word, the first concept that came into my mind was overthinking. In this piece, there are two eyes, one red and one blue to show the idea of perspective and how people think very differently. Above it is a speech bubble, brain shaped looking figure that is actually supposed to be a brain in abstract form. In this brain, there are a plethora of words that are cluttered to show the process of overthinking. Some words are in red, some are in blue and others are in purple to keep the idea of perspective. In this brain-like figure, I overlayed an image of clouds that I took. The clouds are representational of how our thoughts are sometimes dream-like and unreal. In big letters, I wrote ''THOUGHTS ARE DANGEROUS'' to clearly tell my audience how over thinking can sometimes kill happiness and make you go crazy.

I created this piece by using color pencil on dura-lar paper. I then scanned this artwork into Adobe Photoshop CS6 and edited the contrast and saturation to make a brighter appearance. After, I placed an image of clouds that I took in the brain-like figure and lowered it's opacity to make the words still visible. I used a new Photoshop technique by watching a tutorial on the blend and fade tool on YouTube. I made this cloud image blend and fade into the brain so it looked a little more realistic and added a smoother transition. Then, I found a free Photoshop plug-in online called SkyGrad and tinted the sky to change the mood and brighten up the image. Using the, I found an interesting font called ''Crystalline'' that has a spider-web, maze-like design within each letter. I thought this font was perfect because throughout this piece, I convey how thoughts are messy and essentially maze-like. I used this font only on the 3 big words ''THOUGHTS ARE DANGEROUS''. Ultimately, this art project was very different than anything we've done here at Freestyle and I'm satisfied with the final outcome!
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