Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Taylor Houston (2014)

The prompt that I created this piece from is ''Isolation vs. Solitude''. I chose this prompt because it goes better with my English peice than the corresponding art from the prompt that I did my writing off of. The vertical lines on the page represent restrictions and separation of the heart. It is like the heart is in a cage or a jail cell. The colorful explosions represent feelings and emotions. The extra strip of sky on the right side is there to balance the page and make it more interesting.

To create my piece, I used the blink drawing we created out of watercolor paints and oil pastels. I scanned this into Photoshop, and then took a picture of the sky with a DSLR camera. I then replaced the background of the heart with this picture, and added some of the picture to the side of my drawing to juxtapose them. I then downloaded a Photoshop plug-in from the internet, and applied this to my work. This gave me more dramatic colors and texture on my photo. I then found a font online at and downloaded this, and used it to add some pieces of my text to my design peice.
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