Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mind the Gap: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Cameron Fukuyama (2014)

The main concept of my piece sort of evolved over time. While the original idea focused on the thrill of being on the edge of something and close to danger; the prompt being Kurt Vonnegut's quote: ''I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.'' the idea it evolved into after trying to combine it the style of my chosen author in English. My author, Lovecraft, focuses a lot on weird horror and a poetic view of darkness so I wanted to try my hand at making a Lovecraftian art piece using my original blink theme.

I worked exclusively in Photoshop for this piece and created the whole thing by building around the acrylic painting I had made previously. The silhouette is made from a picture of me hanging off the roof of Freestyle and the background texture is a custom texture I made in a Photoshop plugin called Filter Forge. I applied a filter over the whole piece called Dreamscape to make everything smoother and I threw a vignette over the whole thing to make it more unified.
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