Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Music Man: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by David Smith (2014)

My humor project is about a man who hears music in his mind, who is able to make other people hear the music when he looks at them. He gets into situations that may be awkward, and makes them more or less awkward with this unusual gift. For example, he plays ''everything is gonna be alright,'' lyrics from a Bob Marley song when a kid is frustrated that he dropped his Iphone on the ground.

his is an ironic documentary photo. It is a picture of my brother running away from a vicious dog, and instead of being terrified, you notice that is he smiling and laughing. My dad, playing the music man, is in the background putting happy and fun music into my brother's head, making him forget about his current situation. This will include a combination of situational humor, absurd humor, and irony.

I edited this photo with Photoshop, a program that I do not usually use but have still come quite familiar with after two years at Freestyle. I added a customized filter on it to bring out the fantasy-like state of picture, and added a string of music notes to convey that the music man is casting his spell on my brother. I think it is also worth noting that I used a slow shutter speed, making the photo a bit blurry, to show that a vicious dog was in a high speed chase with my brother. It took MANY tries to take a photo that actually worked, because my dog is not only hard to direct but is also camera shy.
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