Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Meloncholy Night: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by Drianne Pantoja (2014)

This photograph is to be known as ''A Meloncholy Night'' because it depicts some sort of absurd crime scene, with the obvious fact that it revolves around a watermelon, (hence why I mispelled melancholy). The photo contains absurd humor therefore, as well as exaggerism, blue humor, slapstick humor and satire. The idea was to satirize very dramatic parts in television shows, movies, any crime scene related situations but to lighten the situation up by using a watermelon. I realize I use slapstick humor because of the fact that I inserted a knife into the watermelon and made fake blood with red food coloring, as it is traced with chalk. This was to make things more dramatic and look absurdly ''violent.'' The fact that it lightens up the situation is the effect of using blue humor.

The way I made this crime scene work was by taking a photo of a friend who I had model for me in a crouched position, dressed as if he were a part of some important FBI agency. I had him switch the blue tie to an orange tie with his coat off eventually, so I could take another photo to have another FBI agent in the photo. I then cracked the watermelon and placed it how I wanted, poured the food coloring in it and on the pavement, and then traced the melon with chalk. After I got my shots, I edited on Adobe's Photoshop by cropping my model out in both different positions, and dragged him to the image of a dark night in the street. I made him a different size to make it look like he was originally there to begin with, and increased saturation to make the melon stand out since red and green are a part of additive primary colors, which it did.
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