Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mocking Miranda: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by Helena Steffens (2014)

The main type of humor I used in my humor piece was caricature. My group based our character for our projects off of MirandaSings, a Youtube star. We mocked and over exaggerated her in our short film by dressing up and acting like her. I reflected this same mocking to my design piece. I created a ''Covergirl'' advertisement and featured Miranda as the model. She is ''advertising'' the gaudy lipstick she wears.

I primarily used Adobe Photoshop to create my composition. I traced out the original Covergirl logo to create the label for my advertisement. Then I enlarged a tube of lipstick to feature with Miranda. I wrote Miranda's testimonial and put it on top of a white box on the advertisement. I tweaked with the colors on my original photo to make the advertisement warm and inviting.
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