Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Justice System: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by Peter Salcido (2014)

I used many different types of humor, starting with caricature. I made the judge kind of look funny with his brown facial hair that is long an unshaven, meaning he doesn't take his job seriously. Also, I added the old/wiseness to him by incorporating grey hair on the sides of his head and the baldness. I used satire because I'm mocking the justice system by having the audience saying the pledge of allegiance. But they are altering the last sentence. Instead of it being ''And justice for all'' it says ''And justice for a select few,'' stating the system by saying it is faulty and doesn't always work. Also, I inputted the statement on the judges desk saying member of the 01 Patriot Act. This is the Patriot Act of 2001 and from what I've heard and researched about this act, is that people don't like it and they think it is unfair to have. The act states that the Government can access all your phone records, internet record, etc. if they suspect you to be a terrorist. Over the years, many of these cases have been faulty accusations. Americans putting americans in jail for terrorism seems pretty unfair to me.

To complete this piece I used Adobe Illustrator. What I did is I drew the judge with all of his characteristics and then placed him behind his desk.I also drew the judges desk by just simply adding rectangles on rectangles. Same goes for the seats. I drew rounded rectangles and added some textures and borders to it to make it more dimensional. I got the people and the American flag from the internet and just placed them in there. Everything you see is either drawn or dragged in from the internet. I hope you thought my work was in some way humorous. If not, well I hope you like my illustrations.
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