Freestyle Academy proudly presents

More Than a Game: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by William Scheetz (2014)

For my humor piece, I first presented a skit in my English class, which was a ''wizard rap.'' During this performance, Alan and I dressed up as wizards and rapped our lyrics which were based on the Clash of Clans game. The humor we genre we attempted during this skit was a satirical parody, as we were making fun of the nerdiness of the game and our lyrics highlighted how some people take this silly game quite seriously. Throughout the design portion of this assignment, I continued the Clash of Clans theme.

In my Design piece, I used Photoshop to make multiple Alexs fighting imaginary monsters. First I photographed Alex in an empty lot with different weapons and costumes, mimicking the different characters you can play as in Clash of Clans. After I had taken the different pictures, added combined the pictures in Photoshop for the finished product.
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