Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Anxiety: A Senior Humor or Satire Art Project by Christopher Thiem (2014)

For my humor project I choose to depict how the college process is often thought of. I used a common relationship as a metaphor to the college acceptance process, as a man gets turned down by a girl named ''Jessica Harvard.'' Because of this he becomes distraught and contemplates where he will go with his life. The irony of this piece comes from the third panel, where there are many other choices waiting for him and he doesn't even notice them, he is still too caught up in his first rejection. This lesson can be very valuable to everyone, as it shows that you should never ''put all your eggs in one basket.'' Make sure that you have options open in case your plan doesn't work out exactly how you wanted it to. Who knows, maybe you will like plan B better.

In the creation of stick figures I used illustrator create stick figures who looked professional in the first scene. The tie area on both the man and the women was especially hard to create, and I think I could have done a better job in the second panel as his tie doesn't exactly match his body shape. Another challenge I had was getting the text bubbles and the text itself to match and be visually interesting. At first my text was very plain and some of it was actually coming out of the text box. This had to be fixed and my final fonts not only fit much better, they describe the characters that are speaking them much better.
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