Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Life of Da'Brickashaw: A Narrative Character Portrait by David Niehaus (2015)

My character is a man named Da'Brickashaw Woods who is an average dapper lad that has something missing deep inside his soul. That something is a little thing called love. In this professional photograph I captured the domesticated side of a futuristic star crossed lover who was blinded by the influences around him. This photo shows the hard shell of Da'Brickashaw on the outside which has deceived others and himself from his inner beauty of emotions. Da'Brickashaw is like an onion, he has layers of emotions like everyone else but to move further he has to start peeling if he wants change.

My shot was unique and original because of how I took it head on with almost no angle at all. I accomplished this in order to draw attention to the emotions in his face and to what he was wearing. I chose my character to wear a suit to show how he was a classy well respected man that was a little full of himself. In the end this photo was no small task. I worked long and hard with a broken light tethering system which lead to a very dim shot. Although, somehow I managed to scrounge up a ruble out of the dust In an Adobe photo editing system called Photoshop. Using Photoshop I worked out all of the kinks and edited my art to its full potential.
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