Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Behind The Story of The Baby Bird.: A Narrative Character Portrait by Karen Quero (2015)

My character is a baby bird named Free because she wants explore what is out there and would do anything to see the world beyond her nest. In order to better show Free's human emotion in my Character Portrait, I portrayed her as a person rather than as an actual bird. Free wants to fly from the nest, but mommy bird stops her from flying because she doesn't really know how to fly yet. In this photograph I used accessories such as a teddy bear to show Free's cute and innocent side. The blue shoe lace represent free's feathers and brown shirt represents the colors of the nest, eagle, and tree. This photograph captured the hidden side of the story, showing what Free really feels about not being able to fly: sad, alone, and depressed.

In order to get a good shot you need to take a lot of pictures and move on different angles to get that ''special gem,'' as Ms. Parkinson says, because you never know what your special gem might be. That is the fun of Photography! It is also how I captured my shot: finding my angle and waiting for that right moment by taking a lot of pictures. I took this shot in the studio, using 2 strobe lights, a background light, and a cream back drop. The camera is on it highest point and the angle is facing down. The camera is not on it's center but on the side. My greatest problem was with the flashes not being sync with the camera. To solve this issue, I had to count the same time when I clicked the camera button and the flash remote. I also didn't want to take pictures that were so dark that you couldn't really see my model. Overcoming this problem is very hard because I had to use the fitter raw on the computer. That the camera is not really made for that fitter. I hadn't learned how to solve this problem until now. In the end, my final photo turned out to be great. Thank you.
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