Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Junior Narrative Character Portrait: A Narrative Character Portrait by Kyra Kliman (2015)

My character is a female softball player. She started playing softball when she was seven and found a true passion for the game. As she advanced to high school softball, her goal was to get a full ride scholarship to a Division college. Throughout her years in high school she trained and practiced daily to achieve her dream. This photograph was taken in her senior year at the CCS championship game and everything was on the line. She was up to bat with the scouts watching her every move. She knew she had to get a home run to get that softball scholarship.

I had the model dressed in a softball uniform holding a bat. I took the picture with the model looking into the camera, representing her determination as she looked at the pitcher. The camera angle was straight on at eye level. At first I shot her whole body in the frame, then I realized it was more effective to have her face and the bat so I zoomed in on the model. I felt this was a more dramatic effect.
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