Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Narrative Character Portrait by Ann Suzuki (2015)

My character is named Eugene and he is a very lonely character. Because of events he encountered in the past, he has become afraid of the outdoors. Because Eugene works from home, he mainly stays inside, causing him to lead a very sheltered life. He is mainly on his computer every day and as a result, he gradually becomes addicted to that lifestyle. Due to the comfort of being at home, he does not go outdoors anymore. He has become isolated from human contact and nature. He has lost touch of human connection and comfort and forgot about the joy of exploring the world. However, one day he faces a dilemma when he finds out that his childhood friend has gone missing. He becomes conflicted on whether he should go back to the place where his childhood memories lives or if he should continue to stay trapped in his own home. The moment I decided to capture is when he is sitting behind his desk going through his everyday routine. I thought this dull and unimaginative environment best capture my character.

For my photoshoot, I had Peter, my model, sit behind a desk as he pretends to surf the web. To make this happen, I brought in a desk and a chairs along with a bunch of trash to depict a dirty environment. I also brought in a computer so it would perfectly encapture my character. Since I wanted the surroundings to be dark, I used low lighting. However, shadows kept appearing so I had to adjust the lighting multiple times in order to prevent them from showing up in the photo. I also tried to incorporate different angles to capture my model, such as shooting it from below, higher up, close up, horizontally and vertically. However, I ultimately chose a typical vertical shot as my final picture as I thought it depicted what I wanted best. For any final touches, we used Photoshop to edit any flaws we wanted to fix and add a vignette to complete the photo.
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