Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Uncertainty Through Earning Money: A Junior Conceptual Project by Emily Andreas (2015)

For my Design class, we had to make both a fine art and digital component.. For my fine art component, I spray painted a piece of paper with dark blue, green, and purple paint. On top of that, I melted green crayons in four different parts, all spread out. After the crayons were melted, I stuck pieces of white string on top and had them all connect the four piles of melted crayons. After that, I cut each string in the center, in between each of the piles. Once everything was dry, I hot-glued chocolate coins onto each of the piles. Once that was done, I melted more green crayons over the entire thing. When the fine art component was finished, I scanned my work and started to use Photoshop to digitally edit it. I added green and purple paint splatters to my project and changed the hues up a bit. I increased the saturation of my piece and increased the contrast.

This project is supposed to represent my conceptual statement, feeling uncertainty through having to earn money. The coins represent money, while the colors and string represent the uncertainty of the situation.
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