Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fusion: A Junior Conceptual Project by Kevin Huang (2015)

The feeling of curiosity through eating new foods

For the conceptual art piece, I wanted to create an image of confusion and include an abstract feeling to it to express the concept of curiosity which is a thirst for knowledge. I did this by creating an image that included things that don’t normally happen in life like animals falling from the sky. The animals falling from the sky was supposed to provide the feeling of abstractness and confusion but also to incorporate the concept statement of eating new foods. Chicken, beef, pork, and fish are often the core of a multitude of different kinds of dishes which is why I put them in. I also added the trees to give some scenic value but to also add in the falling leaves which accumulate with the different kinds of meat to make a salad. The majority of the piece is illustrated digitally but I incorporated some fine art elements into the piece. For example, the background is a watercolor painting that I did and then I scanned it to put it into Illustrator. I really like what the fine art brings to the picture because it just isn’t possible to have that same effect just using Illustrator. The gradient and mesh tools just don’t have that same feeling and look as the watercolors do. I decided to use watercolors because they have a light and smooth texture that I liked because I had always intended it to be the background of the image. The last element that I added into the picture is the metallic border. It isn’t very noticeable and I didn’t know how to make it have that real metal feeling but it was supposed to represent silverware and the kitchen setting.
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