Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Conceptual: A Junior Conceptual Project by Ryan Norton (2015)

During the conceptual unit at Freestyle Academy, our project everyone was given had been to fill in the statement I will be exploring the feeling of guilt through the process of swimming. When I first discovered this would be my statement, I was bewildered as to how I would accomplish this daunting creative task. With this in part not being directly related to drowning. I had to convey guilt in a way that wasn't directly obvious.

After consideration of the original concept, and feedback from peers, it guided me in the appropriate direction to begin the project. I knew that I could capture the setting, and emotion through using photography as my medium and it would be represented through my physical piece and then could be rendered artistically digitally. I also wanted to convey innocence through my film subject to allow the reader to empathize with my central protagonist. I will feature vivid exterior establishing shots either on a beach, or by a local river. Furthermore upon planning the image, and after once captured, I was proud that I could capture my statement artistically and genuinely.
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