Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Alexander Hammerschmidt (2015)

My story is about a couple during the fall season, who are sitting on a bench. The girl is asking why they are at the park because she isn't use to the normal life. Her name is Angel and she has had a troubled past. Her boyfriend Todd is trying to help her start a new life and to make her a better person because he truly loves her. He believes anyone can change, but she doesn't feel like she can. Eventually in the story, Angel gets up and leaves him abruptly. Todd then notices that the words, Thank you. are carved in to the bench. He indirectly realizes that he did change her, but at the cost of their relationship. Todd telling Angel that he truly loved her made her change because she thought no one would truly love her like a real person, like Todd did.

The front of the jacket is of the setting and the scene of the story. The fall leaves are falling, it's overcast, and there is a green park bench. The scene is suppose to be really calm and somewhat gloomy, but more mellow rather than gloomy and sad.
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