Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by David Lim (2015)

My story is about a teenage boy that has decided to retract from society and instead hide in the world of his dreams. He is an avid lucid dreamer, and uses it as his escape from the outside world. Lucid dreaming is a form of dreaming in which the dreamer is in full control of the dream, and aware of the fact that they are in the dream. This gives them a lot of control and ability to try and do things they never thought were possible, which is what makes it so appealing as a haven to cut off the world. However, every once in a while, he is jolted back to reality by his daily needs and obligations, like going to school and the such. His brother seems to be a lot more in tune with the real world, unlike him who has cut off all semblance of real and fake. For a while he begins breaking out of his shell and coming into the real world, until a sudden event causes him to hide back in his malleable world of lucid dreaming.

For my book cover, I specifically used a background that seemed kind of impossible and discordant. It is vibrant, but the main image is also very messy at the same time. This is like his mind, which is fun and truly great and beautiful in its own ways, however scattered and unorganized. It also is a metaphor for the confusion and uncertainty he is going through, the disarray in which his life is currently at. I chose this particularly because I thought it was the best way in which to sum up the entire theme of the story.
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