Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Eleanor Thomas (2015)

Because my two main characters' main struggle is to create a successful viral video, I was inspired by the colors used in the logo for Youtube for my book jacket. I used fonts and design elements similar to YouTube and then added my own details. My ‘mise en scene' is a moment when the two boys are learning how to use a camera. I wanted to create an image that was a bit more interesting than them just looking at a camera, so I decided to mimic their reflection in the lense of the camera.

I used Photoshop to edit the pictures and InDesign to put together the book cover. They are very naive characters; I was inspired by Sesame Street to draw a colorful background on crumpled paper. I took a photo of the two boys with a fisheye lense for the blown out lense look and placed that onto the colored background. Then I placed that image in a circle onto the lense of a camera for the ‘mise en scene.'
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