Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Alexander Paulsen (2015)

My story, The Top of the Bottom, is a tale of one man's redemption. It takes a slapstick-comedic angle at Andy Toledo, and young adult who lost the championship game in a Fifa tournament, a soccer video game, by an own goal. Andy is devastated by this loss and his life is in shambles. But one night, Andy is approached by a wise, old Fifa master named Su. Su wants to train Andy for an upcoming Fifa tournament; he believes in Andy's skills. When Andy finally comes around to the idea, he embarks on training that seems like it has nothing to do about playing a video game. However, when the tournament starts, Andy is easily defeating his opponents. But right before the final game, Su passes away, and leaves Andy with $10,000 of tournament fees to pay. Andy then finds Su's will, where he is given $9,999 for the tournament. Andy finds the final dollar, wins the tournament, and goes back to Su's bedside. But Su surprises Andy, breaking out of a deep meditation and explaining that he was actually not dead. And the two live happily ever after…

My Mise En Scene photo captures Andy at a crucial moment. Andy and Su are in the middle of brutal training for the Fifa tournament. Su is on Andy's back while he dangles the actual Fifa video game in front of Andy's face. Andy must face his fears and conquer the video game.
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