Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Emma Bridgland (2015)

In the story I wrote, a man wakes up on a desert planet. This man is John. John is alone, or so he thinks. Eventually he stumbles upon an empty town. Just when John thinks the town is deserted, a gang of cats attacks him. It isn't until what appears to be the leader stops all the cats that he is safe. Scared and alone, John has a hard time trusting the cat, but due to climate change, he has to take shelter in the cat's place of slumber. The cat explains to him that he was sucked up by a portal and spit out on this planet in a galaxy far from his own. Eventually John decides that if he ever wants to make it back home he has to trust the cat. Over a course of talking and petting, he eventually gives in. In his most vulnerable moment, the cat pounces on John, and sucks out his soul, replacing it with his own. The cat wakes up in the body of John in his home in New York, leaving the happenings of John's soul a mystery.

For my book cover, I took a photo of a person from the worms eye view. I then photoshopped their face so it looks deformed, with no eyes mouth or nose. The reason I did this to the face is because I wanted it to represent that they were soulless. The reason I decided to do the picture from that angle is because I wanted it to look like they were being looked up at. I made a portal in Photoshop and added the person to it, so it looked like they were being consumed by the portal above their head. The image represents a scene from the novel, when John first is sucked up into the portal. The color scheme is a teal blue and black. The reason I chose blue is because that is what color I imagine portals to be, and the black is to represent the soullessness and alone-ness of the characters.
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