Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Hiba Absar (2015)

Him is about Beatrice Miller, a girl who is tired of rejection and thirsty for a boyfriend. After Jake rejects Beatrice, Beatrice goes off the rails and decides to date her cardboard cutout of Harry Styles (a member of the boyband One Direction). Beatrice took her cardboard cutout on dates to show Jake that he didn't hurt her and that she is doing just fine. Her best friend, Stacy, doesn't agree with Beatrice's decision and they have a falling out because of it. Their love of One Direction used to be something they bonded over but Beatrice's obsession destroys their friendship. In the end, Beatrice realizes that she doesn't care about having a boyfriend and that she misses having Stacy as a friend.

From the beginning of the story Beatrice and Stacy are obsessed with One Direction, but Beatrice takes it to a level that Stacy couldn't imagine by starting to date a cardboard cutout of Harry Styles. My Mise en Scene is Beatrice with her cardboard cutout of Harry Styles because that is when the story takes a turn. First the obsession was just a fad but when she gets the cardboard cutout it turns unhealthy. My book jacket is a collage of Harry Styles to portray Beatrice's obsession.
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