Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Isabella Kuhn (2015)

In this novel, Trudy Rockenheir, is your quintessential high school drama queen. Trudy gets what she wants when she wants. Nothing is an issue for Trudy. Its senior year and she is set on getting the lead role at her school's student run Musical. The only issue is she sucks at singing. She ends up getting casted concerned citizen #3, which she learns to accept.

In this assignment, I created a Mise en Scene photograph depicting a scene in my novel. In this scene Trudy is auditioning for the student run play. She has the script in her hand and is standing the middle of her audition. I picked this scene to photograph because this was a pivotal moment in Trudy's life where she learns she must accept the truth and move forward.
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