Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by James Anderson (2015)

My book is a story about a kid racing to get to class on time. He has been late many times, and is starting to face the consequences. He has one last chance to make it to class on time, but is faced with a series of struggles and setbacks that keep him from having a quick trip. Eventually he unintentionally delays his teacher and makes it to class on time.

One major scene in the story takes place in his car. I chose to set my book cover during this scene. The background is a street and the text is in the same font as the letters you would see on the road. For colors I used yellow and grey, the colors of the street. For my misancence photo I have a shot of the main character racing to class. I feel that this photo captures the speed and direction he is going in a good way. The text, colors, and the photo work together to give the illusion that the reader can actually be in the scene.
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