Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Jillian Burns (2015)

Lost centers around a young adult who is on the bus home from a long shift at work, only to find that their phone has been stolen by someone on the bus. They confront various other passengers on the bus in an effort to either locate the thief, which does nothing to help them toward their goal. Eventually, they end up in a aggressive argument which culminates in a dramatic exit as the bus rolls to a stop where they need to get off. Defeated and still rather irritated, they pocket a twenty dollar bill after watching it fall off of a passerby's person.

The scene on my cover doesn't illustrate a specific scene, but rather the tone and atmosphere of the story. The brightly colored characters on the front are the protagonist and the thief, although the thief only appears in the narrative by virtue of the repercussions of the stolen phone. The orange outside the bus' window sets the tone of the piece, evoking the dusky skies and orange streetlights that match the exhaustion and low spirits of the protagonist.
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