Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Jodi DeMassa (2015)

Kalisa, a college-bound student and her dad had a quarrel before she left. He urged her to major in anything besides art to make enough dough. Dismayed, she decided that she'd have to go her own route to fund her own college. Jamba Juice was the ideal place she always wanted to work; it was a healthy and tasty smoothie place with friendly co-workers. This job wouldn't make much money for her, but at least she'd be enjoying herself there. She still had two years to rack up money to pay off the rest of her education. After a long time of no contact, the dad decides to step in. He decides to visit her during work and invites her to come home to watch the Superbowl.

I chose to draw bunnies as my characters because the daughter, Kalisa hops to the conclusion that her dad, a lawyer didn't hear her out because he doesn't think her arts major will allow a comfortable lifestyle. I used the graphic of a bunny hopping to go along with the title. Since Kalisa works at Jamba Juice, makes carrot juices, and smoothies it all fits the scene where her dad reaches out to her without giving away the ending.
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