Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Niamh McLoughlin (2015)

In this Dark Comedy is presented a girl with a decision to make. Will she stay with her LAX boy boyfriend or will she dump him for the spirit living in her house? Once Destiny Hope decides that she has a greater calling to the spirit life, her world quickly changes. Not only does Aaron, the spirit in her house, fall obsessively in love with her, but he tries killing her LAX boy ex boyfriend, Rob. After Destiny Hope realizes the mistake she made, she quickly tries ending her relationship with Aaron. The only marks left of Destiny Hope to this day is the trail of love Aaron left behind.

For my Mise en Scene, I decided to chose the scene where Rob figures out what is going on between Aaron and Destiny Hope. In this scene, she is using a Ouija Board in her room and only she can see Aaron's presence. When Rob comes in, he is confused and angry at Destiny Hope for contemplating her place in this world. I took this photograph in the studio with three point lighting. I edited the background out so it could have a more out of this world effect. I chose a dark blue and black color scheme to give a spooky and mysterious vibe.
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