Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Nicholas Lamm (2015)

My story centers around a young, introverted, and somewhat conceited man. He takes the subway to and from work, and on this particular morning on his way to work he encounters an old man, despite his best efforts to remain alone. The man insists on conversation, much to the main character's dismay. But this time, our friend may learn something.`

I used Illustrator to create the elements in this scene, and InDesign to organize them together. The scene shown on the cover is a basic cement wall, possibly in a not-so-busy subway station, with the title graffitied on. This is both a visual element that appears in the story and can be interpreted as a metaphor for the populate emptiness of the main character's social life. I chose this scene due to the fact that it is very open to interpretation. I think the best art often is the art that can be enjoyed by many people because it allows people to look and see a meaning that connects to them personally.
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