Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Patrick Ogaz (2015)

Alice, is the only thing that can define her name. She is a normal teenager, she enjoys shopping and good fashion. Life is good, however, Alice struggles to accumulate the money necessary to purchase these luxuries. Alice resorts to stealing her grandmother's jewelry and wallet. Conflict arises when Alice's grandmother finds out that her things are missing; upon questioning Alice reveals to her grandmother that she stole and sold the valuables to a pawn shop. However, right then Alice wakes up and realizes that she was dreaming and is in the midst of stealing her grandmothers valuables. It is then when Alice monumentally realizes she can't steal from her grandmother, however, she is still on the prowl looking for a new victim to steal from.

In design, we were tasked to make our book cover look comic like. To do this I took inspiration of the watch, the wallet, and the expensive shopping bags as key elements to include into the design. I used a dark look for the design element and then used a spotlight effect to show the Idea of Alice the main character being caught by her grandmother. I used comical and childlike text to express and show that Alice is a adolescent.
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