Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Richa Gopal (2015)

This short story is based off the famous Taylor Swift. Even though the real artist is known for all her breakups I decided to write about her lasting relationship. In the beginning of the story Taylor is not a fan of love due to failed romances. But she unexpectedly meets a boy named Jim while in college at the pharmacy. Years later they're still together and happily engaged. An unexpected plane crash kills her husband. Taylor is heartbroken for years later. Her family decides to get her into a more intensive group grief counseling therapy group off in another state. This was not a failed relationship it was an unexpected event.

I showed the scene of when she got the phone call of the crash. It shows the hospitals caller ID. I used a simple red, white, and black color scheme. To show that she never hung up I left the green answer button and red hang up button in color and the rest in black and white.
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