Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Rocio Robles (2015)

For this narrative unit, I had to create a book jacket that was relative to my narrative story , which I created in my English class. I used a combination of photoshop and illustrator to create the graphics for the book jacket. The overall idea design for my book jacket was light, sweet, and simple. This theme was based off from the story I've entitled Daisy Bell in which the main character forms a bond with a little girl.

At first I wanted to create a silhouette for the front cover of the book, until I had the idea to use bells as the main theme. Since my story was sweet ,short and simple, I decided to use a candy-like color scheme for my book jacket. I used a few daisies as a finishing touch for my background. This is what you see as a result of my book jacket.
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