Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Sofia Biros (2015)

My story is about a girl named Kelsey. She feels pressured by her family to become someone she's not. She is interested in music and the arts, but everyone else in her family has gone on to become doctors and lawyers and big names. This story is about how Kelsey learns to be okay with who she is and what she decides to pursue.

On my cover, there is a row of ducks. At the end of the row is a small, purple duck, who looks different than the rest. This represents Kelsey. She feels different than everyone else, but yet, she stands out from the crowd. The fonts and colors I use are congruent with those that I use in my animation. I also decided to animate ducks, rather than people, so everything is connected. Although my cover does not depict a specific scene from my story, it represents a theme throughout.
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