Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Senior Book Jacket: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Andre Conceicao (2015)

Brandon Lawson is the world's youngest FBI agent. The ten year old's father puts him up to the task of spying on Salvatore Martino, a world famous mafia boss. On a playdate with the powerful crook's son, Brandon sneaks into his room and tries to snatch key evidence that would close the case against the mafia man. After an unexpected meeting with Salvatore, the small agent escapes with his life and the evidence to make Martino go away for a long while.

The photo I took was taken place at a pivotal moment in the story. Brandon, a small child, is communicating with his father who is an FBI agent. His dad is helping him find the address book of Sal Martino so they can put him away. Throughout the story Brandon learns that sometimes you have to take risks to get what you want. I chose my fonts and design elements based on how I thought the story would come across. I wanted the mystery like font and outer glow on the front cover to highlight that the story contained some suspension. The slightly humorous quotes on the back display the slight comedic tint that the story carries.
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