Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Pride: A Senior Amplified Art Project by Carter Lee (2015)

Write and Create like you have 1 million dollars (Matt Taylor) This one quote is one of the most important things I have learned in the full two years I have been at Freestyle Academy. Freestyle Academy taught me 21st century skills in technology that typically wouldn't be taught in regular high school, I plan to use these skills I have learned and major in Film editing and Video arts in college and hopefully become an editor as a career. Freestyle taught me to never limit my creativity and never be held back to unlock the full potential of my work, not only did Freestyle help me unlock this creativity it helped me to look inside other people's creativity and find out the meaning behind art, color, frame position and writing. I have used these skills to create this amplified work and use certain colors and pictures in different ways to express the sin of pride. Everything I have learned at Freestyle Academy I plan to explore deeper in technology and art, and I will never forget the great things I have experienced at this academy
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