Freestyle Academy proudly presents

I Don't Care: A Senior Amplified Art Project by Jillian Burns (2015)

Built off of a few phrases from my free-write referencing an improving outlook on self-image, this Blink work represents the arbitrariness of most harsh judgements we make towards others. The the face in the image is filled in with various patterns which sometimes clash with each other, however any judgements about their appearance is both mirrored and responded to by the expression which can be interpreted either as a rejection of judgement or as a stare that judges another, unseen, person.

Various other pieces can be seen in parts of this image. Primarily, the zentangle, essentially a large patterned doodle, becomes the filled in colors of the face, while a portion of a drawn mandala has been edited to become the swirled blue area. The letter E of the word people, drawn into the shape of a kneeling person, rests in such a way that it appears to hold the center of the swirl. Photographs are in the slice-like shapes on the arm and adding depth to the background. This piece is an amalgamation of various different forms of art, similar to how others' judgements come together to form an impression or vision of oneself. Even now, each observer of the piece may see and judge it differently.
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