Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Perception: A Senior Amplified Art Project by Niamh McLoughlin (2015)

For this piece I combined 2 separate free draws and an HDR photograph. For English, I decided to read The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley. This book really opened my mind to the unlimited opportunities and ideas I can potentially live up to. I chose to design Perspective because I believe that your perspective is so crucial in this lifetime. In this piece, it looks like the body's mind is in a different universe, which strongly relates to The Doors of Perception. It displays someone thinking differently, which is what Freestyle taught me.

What I learned at Freestyle was more than just how to operate technology. I learned what makes a good story and how to present a feeling through an action or an image. I learned how to show something rather than tell it and how to work well with others. The most I grasped from Freestyle is thinking creatively. I learned a different way of thinking that has helped me collaborate learning and creativity. This way of operating has guided me through my last 2 years in high school and will lead me onto my path in Film School and the rest of my life as an artist.
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