Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Resemblance of Peace: A Senior Amplified Art Project by Nora Donovan (2015)

In this piece I was really struggling in the beginning, but thanks to an inspirational person I was able to get rid of that creative block because I was able to get rid of the tiny demons that were holding me back. This maybe one of my strongest pieces in design, mostly because I had really tried to expand my horizons by being more bold and fulfilling in my techniques. All of my art changed after the experimental unit last year, which you can clearly see by the different filters that I applied to each and every layer within the image. I tried to use the several techniques, but i realized quickly that less is more, the more I added the tackier it seemed to get. I used an original photo that I had in HDR of the trees and the clouds, which I used as my base and background. I had a small piece of my zentangle that I did an inverted filter on which created a three dimensional leaf looking effect on the wave like formations that I had drawn. I also used a sepia filter which gave it an earthy vintage feel, like it was full of history, but in contrast to the orange brown of the sepia I used a cyan color filter on my mandala to give the image some contrast. Overall I used many techniques that I have learned in my two years here, and they are almost all represented in this one image. Most of this I feel like relates to what I want to do which is solve the world's economic problems, I just want the world to live in a state of nirvana, which I feel is key to creating a world where we can live with our differences. I hope that we can all find that guru, mine is nature, and I think that many people would agree with me that this just might be possible.
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