Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Insight: A Senior Amplified Art Project by Patrick Ogaz (2015)

My amplified piece consists of many different culminated skills that I have learned here at freestyle. I used photography, photoshop, meditation skills, physical art applications, and elements of design in general. My skills were pushed to the boundaries as I was challenged to take all of these skills and cohesively make image. I used my knowledge of photography to make sure that I got a close enough image to the eye without sacrificing quality (graininess, light exposure, blurriness) and composition. Next I used photoshop, and a lot of it; while photoshop wasn't my strength I sought to use it to maximise what we did in the blink unit. I used layers and filters and overlays to give this normal eye a more interesting more dynamic look. Meditation skills in this unit was mainly expressed through the use of silent time of relaxation to yourself (no noise or movement) and then a 10 minute quick write followed by art in which we expressed ourselves freely with some limitations.The art ranged from many mediums and was physical art in that there was pen to paper; unlike many compositions we make here. We made zentangles where we made doodles for a long time and let the art flow as our unconscious would roam freely. My inspiration for this composition came from a quick write I had made, this quick write was about how I should inhale life and criticism yet exhale everything I have (talent, influence etc.) without any shame. I made a point to make my word zentangle (Insight) my main focus which is why I used a eye. My focus for this composition was to accent the simplicity of breathing yet what an impact it makes on our existence. I wanted that to intersect with the Idea of everything we do simple or not makes us who we are, and that we must embrace these differences.
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