Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Think: A Senior Amplified Art Project by Andre Conceicao (2015)

My amplified project is a great final project to what has been a fantastic two years at Freestyle Academy. I have loved every second of my time at Freestyle and wouldn't change a thing if I could. Every project experience, from beginning to end has been special in its own way. I've learned how to use Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator very well and I feel confident in my abilities in each of the programs (sometimes with a little help from Youtube tutorials, of course). I've really improved in using these programs over the years, especially with Photoshop. I think my Photoshop skills are shown perfectly in this piece, because I didn't do anything crazy and really hard, but I was able to use simple tools like cropping and mirroring to make my piece look really cool. Also I knew what kind of font and color scheme would look good on my piece thanks to Ms. Parkinson's keen eye for fonts and colors.

These skills that I learned will always be useful to me, having a basic grasp on graphic design will come in handy whenever I need to make something look nice and stand out from the competition. I really value what I have learned from the teachers at Freestyle and I know that their efforts were not wasted on me because I will always keep my skills close to me.
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