Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fool's Gold: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Cullen Blanchfield (2015)

I chose bricks to signify relief because when we feel relief, we feel as if weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. I had the bricks falling in mid air to show how sometimes we feel like everything's just falling apart. I was sitting down on the grass during this shot, and the bricks were falling above a hill to create a greater falling distance for the shot. I love how the bricks ended up in the shot because it looks as if one brick is looking down upon the other, like it is negatively affecting it.

I learned how to greatly enhance my ability to use the cropping tool, the pen tool, apply contrast and fix exposure/brightness, and how to apply filters to add depth to my photo. The adjustment of brightness, exposure, and contrast helped me tremendously with the emotional setting of the picture. The pen tool allowed me to precisely select the brick on the bottom, and the knowledge of the filters allowed me to illustrate a particular concept in my picture.
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