Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Party's End: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Ian Baxley (2015)

I am exploring the feeling of excitement over the quick passage of time. In my photo you can see a party popper that has been used, silly string, and little confetti like sequins. These all show that there was or is a party, which is meant to represent excitement. The angle creates the illusion of more objects around to make it seem like the picture is only part of a much larger party. The lighting is high to show the party's over as the lights are on. The above lighting also creates a cool looking effect on the reflections of the sequins.

In Photoshop I created a vignette, and put a filter on the party popper. The filter is to put more emphasis on the party popper and make it look older to represent the quick passage of time better. This photo is meant to show excitement through a party which is a very exciting event, but by showing the party's over, it can show the quick passage of time.
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